Smartphone’s are getting more and more popular among the students and professionals. Indeed to mention that there are many applications where these Smartphone’s get themselves useful. So to drive lot of people, almost all the mobile developers are trying new updates to their respective products. Among all the developers, HTC is one of the leading firms which manufacture the Smartphone’s.
HTC one X, X++ are the two recent launches of this firm. Few days, HTC UK revealed that these recent launches will have no more Android 4.2.2. With this confirmation, it is also very clear that the upcoming phones of HTC will also not be getting this 4.2.2 OS platform. Really it is a big decision as HTC one X was the flagship of this firm in the first half of 2012 and the other one was in the second half of 2012. Indeed to mention that the HTC one X was slighter inferior then the X+.
With this red flag, the firm may undergo a
wide change; though there is no clear indication but the Smartphone may push
the Android 4.3 to the upcoming devices. It will really be a surprise to see the next
flagship of HTC, as it has denied from the Android 4.2.2 updates.
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